Friday, August 12, 2011

1 year, and counting

13 August, 2011. One calendar year,  365 days. A seemingly insignificant quote, but ask each individual what their perceptions are of a year, and you will get a multitude of answers. To me, well, in this instance, is merely a celebration.
This date signifies one year since landing in Sweden to start a new adventure. One year can hold a vast array of experiences, just some highlights that have been are as follows:

  • I have changed citizenship, registered as a Swede, yet remaining a South African as far as possible
  • I have changed occupation, reverting from working class to student.
  • Experienced the coldest weather in my life, a bone chilling -32 degree's Celsius.
  • Met more people from foreign cultures in a short space of time, something comparable to United Nations. 
  • Been confused with Australians, English, Yanks and denied being South African because I am white.
  • Wondered if IKEA can become a religion
  • Experienced daylight hours no longer than 4 hours and experienced the midnight sun.
  • Failed an exam, spun a car off the road, been fined for being corrupt, and paid way to much for a beer.
  • Caught 4 new species of fish on fly rod and fished through a hole in ice.
  • Celebrated major events Swedish style, usually involving a fire, a dance and some odd tasting alcohol. Events being Autumn, Pre-Christmas, Christmas, New Years, Easter, Spring, Mid summer...and so on
  • Been to SA, had South Africans visiting and something in between.
  • Learned to swallow and eat pickled fish.
  • Crossed the polar circle
  • Have replaced my blood levels with sugarless coffee thats as strong as a brick outhouse during fika's that occur anything between 3-17 times a day.
  • Hiked up many mountains, spent time in many forests, fished many rivers and had a cracking good time all the way.
  • Most importantly, learned and still learning, to trust God wholeheartedly for His divine plan that continues to unveil His mercy, grace and provision in every instance. 

And so, to another year to come and yet more experiences to attain. Challenges ahead include: continuing mastering this language, making it through another dark winter, fishing a little more than previously and what ever other amazing experience that I am sure is in store.

So to God be glory, and going on with hope, here's to another year, WOOHOO!