Saturday, October 16, 2010

Taste the wilderness

Bear Grills never made it to the Swedish wilderness...the skog or whatever you want to call in lieu of his absence, I have come up with a few video clips to keep all the fans of Bear Grills happy till he makes something in Sweden...
Always need an adventurous pose

So the theme of today's episode "Taste of the wild". It basically involves some culinary delights that you need to survive in this barren place.
Location: Fröson Island, somewhere in the centre of Sweden, in a nature reserve.
Weather: 2 degree's, cloudy, snowing at some point.
Present: Uh..,the presenter, yours truly.
Mission: To waste a few hours of the day away and have a good time doing it.
Outcome: You decide...

Action was actually snowing at the time
It was an impromptu decision to go out hiking, was miles away to get too, mostly uphills, but was a great find.
Scene 1:
Familiarisation, getting your bearings right, working on the terrible accent, taking inventory of what you have (a stick and knife and you are set) and getting something to drink. Hydration is key.

Scene 2:
Scene 2 is actually finding water, making sure its safe to drink and utilising your survival techniques.
Scene 3 was eating what I had scavenged from the nearby environment.

The following image is the "going out" scene. It was supposed to be for a different travel program I want to create, but the lower half of my body was cut off in the self timed picture, so naturally I cant use it for "that" show...
This is the "going out" image


And now, is a scene from the next episode: What-a-lot-of-water

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