Tuesday, December 13, 2011

November gone, December here and so another year comes to an end

And what magical months it has been. November, to most Swede’s is thought is as an abysmal waste of a time when everything goes dark, nature dies off, the population holes up into their own existence and generally wait around lit fireplaces for the first snow or December to arrive. Some fortunate Swedes become “snow birds” and use this time as a means of escapism toward a bit of sunshine in warmer climate.

But not this November…
November 2011 will be a November to remember. The snow in Östersund came very, very late. Weather was balmy to say the least, hardly any days below the zero degree mark, a bit of rain here and there and the days even afforded a few precious hours of glorious clear skies and sunshine.
And so; to mark the celebration of November, the following took place:
Mo-vember. One month of no shaving the upper lip, as a visual display in solidarity of those men who have suffered with prostate and testicular cancer. It was to raise awareness and have a bit of fun at the same time. The event took off even in Sweden with quite a few students growing a “mo”. Great fun.

With the great weather, there was a world of adventure to be taken advantage. A week didn’t go by without at least 3-4 trail runs through the forests. Shoes on, watch primed and finding a trail to blast along over roots through dips, plashing in mud and having a great laugh. Even did a 10.8km Salomon race through the Åre mountain side. Memorable to say the least to finish with mud caked to your legs knee down.

Salomon Åre trail run
Outdoor picnics took place at least once a week (always involving a fire). These are real highlights. Going out with a friend, finding rays of sunshine streaming through tree’s, create a fire place, watch the sun go down with a cuppa good coffee and great company. Often accompanied by something sweet and toasted on the fire…as nature intended J.
First snow of the season's fire
Försenleden; freinds, a view, wild mushrooms...
Always a fire
Scarily, one of these fika’s nearly involved a near death experience; the local ski slope was not opened, and going out with a friend we decided to push our bikes up this slop and then free wheel cycle down it. Its graded as a “red” slope. Red means blood actually in ski language. This friend who thought this a good idea is: a girl, apparently Swedish (bluntly put; hates volvo’s and has no helmet of any kind for dangerous cycle adventures, therefore not Swedish), has no sense of fear and in the last ski season actually broke her wrist snowboarding doing some tricks down the exact ski slope that is without snow that we were considering going down on our bikes. Bear in mind, its really muddy, the bikes are not good for this thing (read: have no brakes), no helmets and no common sense. You might argue that this is how we should live life, furthermore, I think somewhere in the conversation it was a way of making peace with the mountain if we went down and survived. Thank the Good God Almighty that logic ruled over spontaneity in hindsight. 

November even offered kayaking. Normally reserved for the summer months, I was taken aback when a friend who is kayak crazy surprised with a Kayak adventure one Saturday. The owner of the kayak rental place just shook his head at these two crazy youngsters going out in November, but with the water warm at a few degree’s the weather pretty much the same and not a cloud in the sky, we both set off to explore a few islands on lake Störsjön. There are very, very few times in life when a sunset will match the one experienced, sitting on a kayak, on a lake with absolute serenity. Truly one of Gods splashes of Joy in our lives.

Eventually the first advent arrived with the perfect timing of the first snow of the season. Precise timing. The first advent (the first of four Sundays leading up to Christmas) and every other one subsequently has been marked with the best Sundays ever. Normally watching a good sunrise (normally around 08h45), a run, a great lunch, a fika and “sondags mys”; basically, just chilling out with some really close friends, watching a movie, talking, candles/fireplace or anything cosy to go with it. These really are the best way’s to end a weekend.
First Advent and snow

With the onset of snow; it has far from ended the outdoor adventures. There has been around 2 feet of snow in the last 2 weeks, almost constant falling. Its made for some fantastic games of football, some magically special runs, evening walks in the forests and as always, a fire in the first snow. It also has made for the seasons first cross country skiing. No matter the weather, its never ceased to stop the fun that is.
Knee deep snow! Please do note the purple pants...

Other things that have been noteworthy: I lost yet another bet and have been reduced to wearing skinny reddish/purple pants as punishment for 2 weeks on a daily basis. Yes; I have heard all the jokes.
A field trip to Sälen, Swedens largest ski area, arranged by the university; four days in the mountains doing actual academic work. There are perks to studying tourism afterall. It also made for a fantastic running story getting lost on the slopes.

December also is the most special time in Sweden’s winter. This year has been exceptional. Its been almost constant snow, the tree’s are laden with snow, the light is a very special sunlight (claimed that sunsets are St Nicolas oven that’s opened while he is baking Christmas cookies for the children). Winter wonderland is a fantastic way to describe December.

St. Nicolas's baking 
Christmas lights on the town square
With one week to go before celebrating Christmas with family in South Africa, I have been tasked with preparing my thesis and plan for the time away in SA. Its been much stress and reading, so before anyone comments on that its all fun and games and no academia; I live by the motto that if you work hard you can play hard. I have done a lot of playing and yes, I am now paying for my sins in much work that needs to be done.

And so, ending off on the 13th of December, Santa Lucia is a way to finish up the post. Up early for a breakfast of rice pudding, saffrom buns, ham sandwiches, glögg and strong coffee, listening to a live choir and a girl with candles in her hair. Mornings like this have a way of rubbing off on the rest of the week.

So to those whom I will see in less than a week, and to those who I say good bye to, God Jul, thanks for the crazy, awesome, amazing, memorable adventures that have been November and December. And praise be to God Almighty our Father for His wonderful gift of life. Least we not forget the reason that this season is what it is. Amen

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