Monday, October 31, 2011

Where has this year gone??

Its 31st of October...already. Tomorrow is November, 2 months left of 2011. I mean come on what has happened to the rest of the year.

November in Sweden literally marks the start of Winter. Its becomes very dark, daylight savings time takes place (We are now GMT +1), the mornings are dark till around 09h30, clouds cover the sky every single day, its raining daily, the snow is late, no leaves on the tree's, grass dies...
Candles...and fika

The good thing is that the Swedes are adept at creating something to get through it, its called escapism. Low season trips are dirt cheap, but those who cant travel, fires make their appearance. Candles by the masses are sold, in all sizes, smells and shapes.

Following this, festivals for this take place. All Saints Day in November 4th, a day to remember all those who have passed on. Every grave stone gets a candle when the sun drops...really somber to witness.
With all the candles, an option to escape the depression are meeting with family or friends. Depending on the groups, one chooses to drink masses of coffee and eat millions of cream filled spicy cakes for fika. The other group decides that its masses of alcohol in November that needs to be consumed. Choose wisely as both options have side effects.

Finally, the last option is to make something jovial regarding the most dark, depressing month of the year. Mo-vember.
Grow a moustache for the month of November. Its to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, and something to create a laugh while you can...its official too, there are websites devoted to it and I even started a team. Men and woman, join the team, support the initiative and make a laugh out of it while you can...
Movember Link, join it please!

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