Wednesday, August 11, 2010

And it begins...

And August the 12th has arrived. After a year of planing, speaking about it, emailing, prepping, packing and sorting...its now finally time to head out. Its the most surreal feeling in the world, yet, I am completely calm (must be the painkillers for the wisdom teeth :))
Its not fear of the unknown, not at all...but rather an adventurously expectant attitude...I know that the Hand of the True Divine has had His say in the past, is still having His say, and I know that His final Word has not been I have nothing to fear...
And as much as it sucks saying good bye to family, friends and loved ones...I know that its not permanent, and the invite is out there for you all :)
Till more word from the other side...

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see your face when you step off the plane in Sweden, your new home. Wish I was there with you.
